Lake Effect Collective
Categories: General, Reportbacks | Comments Off on No Life in the Master’s House: Lessons on Selling out from the Northwestern Encampment

Foreword This reportback was submitted to us by comrades involved in the Northwestern Gaza solidarity encampment. Their encampment was the first in the Chicago area to go up and to come down, and its disappointing end informed the initial approach of many of us at UChicago; we felt that including this reportback alongside our own […]

Categories: General, Reportbacks | Comments Off on Seattle Is Never Coming Back

REFLECTIONS ON THE DNC By the Lake Effect Collective The Democratic National Convention descended on Chicago during the last week of August, bringing with it swarms of police and politicians who quickly rendered the city uninhabitable. In response, Chicago’s major Palestine-sympathetic organizations coordinated marches and demonstrations, and seemingly thousands of out-of-town activists came to visit, […]